Saturday, July 3, 2010

Breaking News: Boyfriend Scores Brownie Points with Girlfriend and Girlfriend's Landlord

My boyfriend, Curtis (that's him, over there on the right), is currently employed by Home Depot and works in the flooring department where he has been awarded a Homer Award, not once, not twice, but SIX times and has received a Certificate of Appreciation from district management. In other words, he's pretty awesome. But yesterday, he earned some serious brownie points.

First, some background. I am moving into this really nice apartment. The lease is signed, my parents' furniture has been sorted and selected for transfer to my house, everything is pretty much ready... except for the apartment itself. The landlords are renovating it; that's part of what is making the apartment so nice. And, when the plan was to spend the summer at my parents' house in the greater Seattle area, not having an apartment for 3 months wasn't a problem. It wasn't a problem until I got a really great internship working at a library out here in Walla Walla. So, the landlords are scrambling to get the apartment done as quickly as they possibly can (it looks like the move-in date is July 30 now! almost a month earlier than initially planned!), I'm crashing in my friend Becca's room, but since my all of my stuff is just going to have to be moved out again, everything I own is in her dining room.

How does Curtis (over there on the left wearing a hat I made him last winter) fit into this bizarre housing situation? My  landlord, John, met Curtis at Home Depot because he needed tile to finish the shower floor. Unfortunately the Walla Walla Home Depot only had half of the amount John needed so Curtis put in a transfer request and John left happy after being assured that the tile would be there on Thursday.  The Home Depot in Lewiston, however, failed to transfer ALL of the flooring department transfers. What does Curtis do? Aware that John is my landlord and that any delay in construction means continuing discomfort for me, he calls John and offers to go pick up the tile and deliver it.

So, yesterday, Curtis takes me to Richland and we head into the Home Depot and pick up the rest of the tile. We complete an over-the-phone purchase for John and sequester the tile in the trunk of Curtis's car. John is happy and quite impressed with Curtis's dedication to customer service and determination to get me into my own apartment and out of Becca's dining room.

And then! The part that makes this story relevant to a knitting blog. Since we were in Richland anyway... Curtis took me to Knitty Gritty! Tremendously exciting. He even looked through some knitting books and felt some yarn with me. We picked out the type of yarn that will be used on that massive blanket (with the cables and the tree in the middle) and I bought some yarn for a tank top and for an early fall beret thing I'm planning. See the pictured yarn below...

Nuna by Mirasol in a silvery grey blue
40% silk, 40% wool, 20% bamboo

Ultra Pima by Cascade in a dark red
100% pima cotton
This yarn really is more red than purple but I kinda failed at the picturing taking part... below is picture (not mine) from Ravelry that is much closer to the actual color. Imagine the purple mixed with the red below and that's probably closest.

And then, as if that wasn't enough, he took me out to lunch to this amazing teriyaki restaurant, Woo's Teriyaki. It was delicious. It was so good, Curtis mentioned that maybe we could go all the way back out to Richland just to have lunch... but maybe we could go back to the yarn store so we would could get more done in one trip. Excellent!

After lunch, we headed back to Walla Walla and dropped the tile off with John just in time for him to finish up the shower. He is so pleased with Curtis that he is going in to the Home Depot to find a manager and tell them what a great employee Curtis is.

So all around a pretty good day!


  1. Good job tying in Curtis working at Home Depot with knitting! I didn't think it could be done! The yarn looks beautiful. Can't wait to see more pictures as your projects progress. XXOO, Mommy

    PS The link in the email was very helpful.
    PPS I've heard that some people are having a hard time posting comments. Maybe you could include step by step directions on how to post a comment. It can be a little tricky.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. I wish he were in KC helping me pick out flooring! I'm trying to decide...more hardwood or should it be tile or carpet. I'm still knitting every now and then. Latest "big" project for me.... dish cloths! Thanks again for your motivation!

  4. Exciting Public Notice from KnitWit! Alert! Kirkland, WA is finally coming in to its own. First ever yarn shop opening August 6th review to follow. Looks great! Name: Serial Knitters. website: On the SW corner of NE 85th ST and 122nd Ave NE. Cheers!
