Sunday, January 31, 2010

Quinn's Still Incomplete Birthday Beret

Today is Quinn's birthday (she just turned 20) and unfortunately her head is still bare. I'm 56% done (row completion, not stitch completion). I've made a ton of progress over the past week or so, but I wasn't able to get it done by today. I am about to start row 35 of 69, which sounds like I have an absolute ton left to do, but I'm past the widest part of the hat so the rows are getting shorter and shorter. Right now, my rows have 196 stitches, but next time I decrease, I decrease down to 168. Then 140. Then 126. Then 98! (70, 42, 28, and then finally 14). So it's going to start going really quickly very soon, I'm just not there yet.

On the plus side, it's starting to look hat-like. And if you sort of squish it down and spread the bottom part out it even looks like a beret sorta. I'm enthusiastic. I think it's going to work.

I told Quinn yesterday that her birthday present was still in the works and that she would get it sometime this week. She seemed a little disappointed that she wasn't getting her present on her birthday, but then I pointed out that it was like celebrating all week and she perked up.

I've been watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer while knitting. I think it improves morale. I just finished up season 1 (I decided to start over since I don't remember where I was in the show anyway). Season 2 will have to wait though. Something about wanting to graduate on time tells me that I should do my anthropology reading tonight instead of Buffy season 2.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Another Non-Knitted Project

So far, I'm not staying particularly true to my blog mission statement, but I'm so excited about this other project I just completed! I can't help myself. I am so excited. Brace yourself, this might sound dorky. I made... a schedule board!!!

I know, I know. Really cool, right?

Well, my housemates think so! Our names are Alixandra (A), Kristine (K), and Quinn (Q). The letters are wood cutouts that I painted and glued on. The fabric (which, yes, by the way, does have glitter ladybugs on it) is fabric glued onto a piece of posterboard. I made and printed the schedules using Microsoft Excel and then made pockets out of vinyl that I sewed on using a running stitch and pink embroidery floss. So every semester from now on, we can have our schedules proudly displayed. And if we change classes (say, at the end of the semester...) we just make a new schedule in Excel, print it out, and viola! Into the clear plastic pocket it goes.

And yes, that would be my schedule that has no Friday classes and nothing before 11AM. It's a beautiful thing, a well-crafted schedule.


In other news, I desperately need to do laundry.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Quinn's Surprise Birthday Hat - Incomplete

Quinn's birthday is in 14 days (today inclusive) and I'm about to start row 16 of her 69-row birthday surprise beret. I need to make significant progress today, especially since classes start tomorrow! As I mentioned before, I'm a little nervous about whether this will fit or not. Since it's a surprise it's not like I can just have her try it on half-way. I'm going to ask my other housemate to try it on though... her head is closer to the size of Quinn's that mine is.

I'm knitting the Virginia beret from The Knitter, issue 10. You can see what it is supposed to look like on the cover of the magazine (pictured on the right). I left the magazine sitting out at my house and Quinn saw it and just loved it. And since I decided I wanted to try and make a fancy beret as fast as I possibly could and, ideally, still have it look good, I decided that this would be a great present. So, hopefully she'll still like it in two weeks.

The yarn I'm using is Heritage sock yarn (100 grams / 437 yards) in red (color 5607). I'm using size 2 and 3 double-pointed needles; this is by far the smallest needle I've worked with and it definitely took some getting used to. Fortunately, the pattern isn't too challenging, just time consuming.

And now I'm looking at other people's Virgina berets on and they all look really good. I know it's hard to tell when it's still on the needles (especially when I'm not even through the fancy diamond part) but I'm really nervous. I hope mine comes out looking as nice as everybody else's.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Update on Simple Cabled Hat

After a relatively easy trip back to Walla Walla (there was some fog, but other than that, smooth sailing), I arrive, hat in hand, ready to deliver it to my boyfriend, Curtis. Not surprisingly, I was a bit anxious about whether or not it would even fit onto his head, especially considering my issues with gauge and sizing before.

I was able to get it onto his head with virtually no trouble -- he did squirm a bit and was probably unhappy about being attacked from behind... The only problem was it was a little bit too short. It seems that while his head might not be particularly large circumference-wise, length wise is a different story. It's not so short that he won't wear it or that it looks funny, but he'd like it just a little bit longer. I'll post a picture as soon as I can get him to hold still long enough to take one.

Which means, ladies and gentlemen, that a new hat is in the works. Once I finish the other projects I have lined up that is. The new hat will have a cuff that way if it is too short, he can just unfold the cuff a bit and *PRESTO CHANGE-O* it'll be a bit longer.

But first I must complete in order:
** Quinn's (housemate) birthday surprise hat (which may or may not fit. since it's a surprise I can't exactly have her try it on. Birthday: January 31)
** Curtis's pot holders (he's using paper towels to get things out of the oven at the moment. very dangerous)

Projects lined up in no order:
** Sweater vest for Grandpa Jack's birthday
** Large complicated cabled scarf
** Fingerless gloves for Curtis
** Something wonderful for myself
** Something for Alixandra (other housemate)

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Soft Needle Case

So, technically this project isn't knitting or crocheting, but it's relevant, I swear. I've designed a soft knitting needle case because I was tired of the one I have not having the features that I wanted. Stuff always fell out, I didn't have enough pockets or the pockets that were there were either too big or too small.

This needle case has enough pockets to store ALL of my double pointed needles (sizes 0 - 11) and ALL of my 9" straight single-point needles (sizes 0 - 14) and it has two zipper pockets, one of which has a clear plastic window so I can easily see what is inside. Added bonus: when you make it yourself, you get to pick out the colors and the prints.

Inside View
This is what the case will look like completely unfolded. The yellow bit at the top is a flap that will fold over to keep the needles from slipping out. I know it looks a bit chaotic, but I am certain that the finished product will look great. (For pictures of the fabric I purchased, scroll to the end of this post). The finished measurements of the unfolded case should be (if all goes according to plan) h:16", w:19".

Outside Design
And, as you probably guessed, this is what it will look like folded into thirds. The flowers are part of a print that I purchased, but the band across the middle will be sewn on. In in the picture I have a button and elastic closure, but I'm considering have the ribbon (green, lacey, pictured below) tie on the side instead.

On the band across the middle, I'm either going to embroider a 'K' (for Kristine! or for knitting. Whichever) or a little hedgehog! I really like hedgehogs; I think they're just adorable, plus they have lots of needles, which makes them an appropriate mascot for a knitter.

This is the fabric I've picked out for the inside of the case. The green fabric and the pink polka dotted print will be the zippered pockets on the left. The pale yellow is trim and the flap at the top. The pink swirls will be the back two pockets for both needles. The large flowers will go on the front pockets for needles. I don't know if that made any sense, but I'll upload a picture when it's done.

And, deductive logic never failing, this is the fabric and ribbon for the outside of the case. And as pleased as I am with my design, I must say that the print on this fabric looks much nicer than the flowers that I drew.

Anyway, what really made me decide to try and make my own needle organizer (with significant help from my mother (thanks Mom!), who actually knows how to use a sewing machine, unlike myself) was seeing the needle organizers made by sarahkincheloe on I knew I was frustrated with my needle case, but after seeing her cute fabrics and the way she made her organizers I knew that I wanted something like that. You know, something that functioned and still looked pretty? The only thing missing for me was a zipper pocket, but after looking all over the place, I've come to the conclusion that normal people don't want or need zippered pockets in their knitting needle organizers. Regardless, she has some really cute ones up and you should definitely check out her shop. (I especially like THIS print and THIS one!)

Outside (and unrelated...) Viewing & Reading with Hedgehogs:
Hedgehogs love cilantro
Orphaned Hedgehogs Adopt a New Mom
And a book I want to read:
Elegance of the Hedgehog

Monday, January 11, 2010

First Post & First Projects with Cables

Well, here I am: a new blogger with a passion for knitting ready to post my successes, secrets, and frustrations for the world! My name is Kristine and I am Knittin' Smitten.

I am relatively new to knitting, but have already completed some projects (sadly unavailable for photographs, but happily in new homes). For the most part, I will be able to post at least some information about everything on which I work. I plan to use this as a catalog of my projects, a reference source, and a teaching tool - not too mention a journal of sorts.

In honor of this being my first post, below are three photographs of two of my first completed projects. Comments and questions are happily received.

Fingerless Gauntlets in Blue.

The pattern, Dashing, is from Knitty and can be found HERE. These went pretty quickly and were worked from the wrist up with several large cables. The most challenging part was getting the thumb on (you use waste yarn on the main glove and then stitch onto those stitches) without pulling and leaving gaps in the rest of the glove.

Materials Used:
- Size 7 (US) Double Pointed Needles (Image: Here)
- 1 Ball of Pattons Classic Wool (223 yards/100 grams) in Denim Marl (77116).
- U Cable Stitch Holder (I use these.)

Simple Cabled Hat.

This is the project that taught me about gauge (and got me going on knitting in the first place). A Christmas or two ago, my lovely boyfriend Curtis asked for a knit hat. First, I had to learn how to knit. After making three inches of a hat that might have fit King Kong, I then proceeded to make a hat that fits me, but not Curtis. So, what you see here is Hat v. 3.0. As soon as I finish my hat (lovely and coordinating, but not matchy-matchy), I'll post a picture as well.

Materials Used:
- Size 7 (US) Double Pointed Needles(Image: Here)
- U Cable Stitch Holder (I use these.)
- 1 Ball Lion Brand Nature's Choice Organic Cotton in Walnut (brown)
- 1 Ball Lion Brand Nature's Choice Organic Cotton in Pistachio (green)
- 1 Ball Lion Brand Nature's Choice Organic Cotton in Macademia (cream)
Yarn can be purchased HERE

So here's to my new blog. May it prove helpful as a reference, or at least provide some insight into the life of the newly knitted.

And, if all else fails, my mother has promised to read my blog. Hi Mom!